Welcome to the civ6liga  FFA Ranking! All Results achieved in League are counted in this Ranking!

# Nickname Points Games Players defeated
Defeated by players
WinRatio Result Teampoints Active Best
43 Blondel58
889517 / 12 58 %(17 | 29)424230Freeze33
44 macabre
885311 / 5 68 %(11 | 16)2420Freeze8
45 Cirdan
87929 / 3 75 %(9 | 12)230Freeze24
877711 / 25 30 %(11 | 36)L2LL40Freeze34
47 freyr
87515 / 0 100 %(5 | 5)W0Freeze45
48 Stompot
87438 / 7 53 %(8 | 15)L3W0Freeze13
49 Simflaive
87288 / 15 34 %(8 | 23)5WWL5700Freeze33
50 Frodslha
87049 / 10 47 %(9 | 19)L2L30Regular49
51 Walther
859414 / 7 66 %(14 | 21)33320Freeze11
52 Mister t.
85614 / 0 100 %(4 | 4)W0Freeze43
53 Unabsteigbar
85015 / 0 100 %(5 | 5)W0Freeze4
54 daddy_felix
841610 / 8 55 %(10 | 18)WL4L40Freeze4
55 Louis XV.
83148 / 12 40 %(8 | 20)5352710Freeze23
56 Spy82
83015 / 0 100 %(5 | 5)W0Freeze4
82836 / 5 54 %(6 | 11)2W50Freeze1
58 winterschlaefer
82737 / 9 43 %(7 | 16)5430Freeze45
59 Hamilkar Barkas
82527 / 3 70 %(7 | 10)W40Freeze5
60 Phönix
8244551 / 79 39 %(51 | 130)WWWL4700Freeze3
61 Hannibal2000
82313 / 0 100 %(3 | 3)W0Freeze48
62 FlashOnFire
81714 / 1 80 %(4 | 5)20Freeze21

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NOTE:You need at least 1 Game for listing with points. Do NOT report a Win that was never achieved or do NOT report a game never played. Players who do not tolerate our rules will be banned for a long time from our Site!