CIV5 Duel League finished (Turnier)

Congratulations Kyp Durron!

Au Articel par MARKYMARK

The first Civ5 duell league season has ended timely to eastern.
After 33 sessions Kyp Durron has won this 1. season!
He'll get the Civ5 Special Edition sent as a price.

6 victories mean 18 points for him, no one else could reach this amount..
On the following places are Muffinman, Artaleon and ANTARION with each 5 victories!
Find here the overview over the Civ5 duell league, to which 33 players joined.
Thanks for all who participated, especially Muffinman, Frozen and Napoleon for organization!

If you have further interest in the league, then please gift us some activity.
Currently it is sadly not sure if the league will continue in its present form.
Many things will probably somewhen regulated by a probable multiplayer patch, but a bitter aftertaste will stay.
In any case we would be happy, if somewhen a second season of the duell league could get organized!

We wish you all successful civing!

Your team

Créer une: 29.04.2011 à 11:50:17

Liens connexes

» To the tourney
» Final Game