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Partie #738 | 4 player ffa

cwolfy vs  Nub nub vs  Ezekiel vs  JustaKing

Détails du match

Note 2 - Bonne partie
Nombre de joueurs:4
Kind of game:   PBEM
Valeur de partie : 59
Résultat Joueur Classes Races Équipe Points Points supplémentaires Points non gagnés Quitteur Evaluer
1 cwolfyDreadnoughtFrostlings252260aqui
1 Nub nubDreadnoughtDwarves363310aqui
2 EzekielTheocratFrostlings4-200-30aqui
3 JustaKingunknownunknown100-111aqui
Les messages affichés sur le jeu:
Publié le Sun, 18 Feb 2018 02:23:46 +0100

Confirmed by JustaKing
Confirmed by JustaKing

Publié le Sat, 10 Feb 2018 05:00:16 +0100

Written by Hiliadan
This report is a double of this one: https://www.the-battlefield.c... (we'll investigate how it was even possible to report twice)
Could one of you 4 please delete this copy?


Publié le Fri, 09 Feb 2018 18:43:35 +0100

738 | Age of Wonders 3

Publié le Thu, 08 Feb 2018 03:42:16 +0100

737 | Age of Wonders 3

Publié le Sun, 28 Jan 2018 21:15:10 +0100

Yeah - good fight.

I knew it was not a wise move to attack. You had many ranged troops and spellcasters, walls for protection and I got the probable defeat calculation.

On the other hand your leader was there so winning the battle would have meant another player eliminated - and not that you are allied that would make things a lot easier for me.

Publié le Sun, 28 Jan 2018 18:33:57 +0100

First big battle I've been involved in that I did not lose for a change :-)

Ezekiel marched on my throne city with quite an intimidating army. Luckily I managed to rally my troups just in time and even though they were considerably lower in Tier and experience (and equal in numbers, and also mostly affected by Mark of the Heretic), my brave dwarves somehow managed to fight him off, thus defending the Throne of Nub nub.

Nothing is decided for now, but I get to keep playing a bit longer

Publié le Wed, 22 Nov 2017 13:49:44 +0100

    I was told that independents killed me. I didnt realize they have their own turn where they auto resolve battles....and even though it was a crazy unfair result, well, i guess it was ultimately a result of my own oversight and lack of knowledge of the PBEM monster. So we will continue it as it is.

  So just continue your turns as usual. I will hang in there and try my best to recover, but remember i'm not much of a threat any longer guys, so have mercy on me, haha.

Publié le Tue, 21 Nov 2017 15:44:07 +0100

i rolled back the turn to mine, but it wont let me go beyond that. when i rolled it back though, suddenly it gave me a battle lost message after loading the same turn, so apparently, the computer took my turn even though three days had definitely not passed and I don't even have the turn timer enabled....a battle against two apprentices and two wisps, killed my leader, my hero, two archers, a swordsmen and an initiate....well, that's swell. dunno how that happened, but i suppose it's unfixable. like i said before, we can continue or reset.

Ezekiel would like to continue
Nub nub doesnt mind resetting
what does wolfy have to say? we will go with his tie-breaking decision.

Publié le Tue, 21 Nov 2017 15:23:28 +0100

is that an option ingame...? in settings or something? i will try to look and find it, but not sure. i'll look it up online.

Publié le Tue, 21 Nov 2017 10:42:43 +0100

It´s my turn now - haven´t entered it so far.

My suggestion would be to try to revert the turns. As justa is the host - you are the one able to do that. So try doing this revert turn thing - wait something like 30 seconds, repeat, until it´s my turn once again. Then I can press end turn and you will see if there´s still problems.

I´ll delay my current turn until you have done that.

I would like to continue the game as I´m doing all right - not perfectly at all.

Publié le Tue, 21 Nov 2017 01:30:51 +0100

yea.. we can put it to a vote. if people want to continue, i will stick with it, but understand that i'm pretty much out of the game besides a footnote.

Publié le Tue, 21 Nov 2017 00:06:37 +0100

I just did my turn to see if my stuff was bugged too, but everything seemed fine on my side. I was a bit lost in thought though and finished my turn instead of exiting, I hope that didn't destroy the hope for fixing Justa's problem.

If the issue persists, I for one wouldn't mind restarting since we're not really far in yet.

Publié le Mon, 20 Nov 2017 16:21:32 +0100

everyone stop turns for a moment please... i dont know what happened, but i just logged in to take my turn and my leader and all armies were dead, except in my town, my leaders pose and army banner had changed and well... needless to say, something wierd has happened

edit- oh, and my town had shrunk one size.

Publié le Mon, 06 Nov 2017 09:40:53 +0100

It worked now. Game good to go.

Publié le Mon, 06 Nov 2017 00:28:48 +0100

I got into the lobby too and can thus confirm that "Game On" (without quotes) is indeed the password. Maybe you accidentally tried to join the wrong game^^

Publié le Sun, 05 Nov 2017 23:49:30 +0100

did you get the update for PBEM++ and have PBEM 1.22?

well, the mod in game still says 1.21, but i'm assuming as soon as we start it will be updated? I dont know how that will work. but there is already someone else logged into the game, so the password must work. Make sure the you are capitalizing the G in game and the O in on and that there is a space in between each word.

Waiting on the two other players to join.

Publié le Sun, 05 Nov 2017 23:37:15 +0100

Tried the password and different variations, neither worked.

Publié le Sun, 05 Nov 2017 23:04:30 +0100

alright, lets get started guys! everyone log in inside the game.

Publié le Sun, 05 Nov 2017 22:45:07 +0100
Système de notification

4 player ffa
Game is up, so join in when you have the time.

Password : Game On

First time creating a game, so we will see how it goes. Veterans and new players welcome. Let me know if you have any suggestions or advice on how to do this, as I have no idea at all!! haha

Mods used : PBEM
  if anyone has any other mod suggestions, i'm open to hear them. Also open to any changes in options, so just let me know.

Turn timer = 4 days
Medium Map with Surface and Underground on Land Map
Normal Game flow speed

Start town: Village
Starting units: Weak
Starting distance: Far
Roads: Few
Roaming units: Average
Treasures: Average
Cities: Few
Dwellings: Few
Resource structures: Average
Visit structure: Average
Treasure structures: Average

Water Slider at 25%
Undiggable walls and Diggable Wall Sliders down to 15%
All other sliders left untouched at standard 50 %

4 teams of 1 
Ironman Mode: on
Seal Victory: off
Unifier Victory: at 2 Beacons
Tactical Combat Mode - Against AI: Always Ask

Game speed: Normal
Starting Resource: Standard
Starting Skills: Normal
All Heroes Have Resurgence: Never
Defenders Strength: Strong
Cosmic Events: Medium
Maximum Number of Heroes: 5 (1 Leader + 4 heroes)
Maximum Heroes Level: 20

Map Exploration: On
City Founding: On
Random heroes match player race: Off
Empire Quests: On

Publié le Sun, 05 Nov 2017 22:45:07 +0100
Système de notification

Information 4 player ffa
cwolfy joined !!

Publié le Sat, 04 Nov 2017 19:18:54 +0100

I'm in favor of waiting for one more person. Otherwise I feel that Ezekiel will mop the floor with us (judging by his player rating - he's #4 on the ladder!). Which I'm sure will happen anyway, but not that fast then at least xD

Publié le Sat, 04 Nov 2017 18:51:16 +0100

do you guys want to wait for one more or start with three? Also, make sure you update PBEM++ mod.

Publié le Wed, 01 Nov 2017 21:39:30 +0100

Welcome Ezekiel, only one more to go!

Publié le Wed, 01 Nov 2017 15:05:53 +0100
Système de notification

Information 4 player ffa
Ezekiel joined !!

Publié le Wed, 01 Nov 2017 02:18:15 +0100

Welcome Nub-nub!

   Cant wait to start, myself. I have never played multiplayer before, so it's pretty exciting for me. If no one else joins, we can just do a 1v1 if you want.

Publié le Wed, 01 Nov 2017 01:34:10 +0100

Not sure how to write reports or what that entails.

Publié le Mon, 30 Oct 2017 09:24:28 +0100

hi guys and welcome to the battlefield (;

just wanted to wish you a nice game and if you have the time to write reports... hint hint

Publié le Sun, 29 Oct 2017 18:42:05 +0100

Soo I'm a brutal multiplayer noob (name figures) looking to play (aka get wrecked) and maybe learn a thing or two. Looking forward to get started :-)

Publié le Sun, 29 Oct 2017 18:39:39 +0100
Système de notification

Information Game #1
Nub nub joined !!

Publié le Sun, 29 Oct 2017 06:40:47 +0100

Hi! I suggest renaming the game to be a little more explicit on the format and aims (e.g. "4 players FFA") and also listing the settings (at least key settings) in the game description. You can inspire yourself from the rules here: https://www.the-battlefield.c... />
Finally, you should drop a line about your game in the PBEM Player Pool otherwise only hard core gamers will know about it (though the weekly newsletter about open game will be sent today, so people will learn about it soon anyway): https://www.the-battlefield.c...