Spiel #145 Turnierspiel#6 | Round 2 : Tourneygame #6
Pothead Pixie
No Life
Gespielt: | 2016-02-09 |
Reportdatei | |
Anzahl der Spieler: | 2 |
Kind of game: | PBEM |
Spiel-wert: | 38 |
Resultat | Spieler | Classes | Races | Team | Punkte | Extra Punkte | Nicht gewonnene Punkte | Quitter | Bewerte |
1 | Pothead Pixie | Archdruid | Elves | 1 | 25 | 12 | 0 | hier | |
2 | No Life | Theocrat | Orcs | 2 | 0 | 0 | -25 | hier |
Beiträge zum Spiel:
See previous pictures & comments.
But the reporting process shouldn't demand a save upload (=I know it's any file really, but it asks you for a save).
Right now you cannot skip this step. I think it should be optional. Anyway, after checking the "evidence" I see I uploaded the wrong picture here...
For reference of the match results: See previous log comments / pictures below.
145 | Age of Wonders 3
But this limited "useability" may be another reason why Triumph did not put in effort trying to realize this feature.
I also understood it was not so easy to implement (afterwards) as it was never part of the original game design.
So indeed, perhaps in the next game? Let's wait and see...
Anyway, we won't have it on AoW3... Let's hope they make it for AoW4!
I think combat vs. a human player is the *best* part of the game. I've tried it a lot before PBEM was available.
One problem with manual combat vs. human in PBEM is that it would probably only work well in duels.
If there are more than 2 players in a match, you will have to wait until combat between 2 of them finishes, if you're not involved.
Now suppose you have a few of those battles before you can play your turn again - this could last many weeks, and the entire game would take many months.
You're missing a big part of the game if you always auto. I'm sure you will enjoy it if you take more time to learn it.
Basically, you can minimize losses and maximize XP -Â while being able to clear sites with less forces.
Apart from getting used to manual combat, you also need to have some idea of how to approach the map because this changes as well.
And I think this may be the most difficult part - *especially* if you are experienced in playing the game on auto combat
because you'll need to "unlearn" the old approach - it's not working.
So I can definately sympathize with No Life.
What settings would you prefer? If we had to relaunch the tournament, I would probably change some too.
The screens show battle result and situation without the screen.
I have highlighted the hex the combat took place.
These are the 2 main stacks of the army. The rest consists of scouts and garrison units.
First stack, first battle. Fire node. The knowledge vault nearby was already cleared the turn before.
Second stack, second battle. Necromantic cirlce en-route to Dwarf city. Note the stack on the farm in the domain of the Dwarf city that I wanted to reach a.s.a.p. to complete a vassalage quest. This army moved in from the southwest.
This is the map beginning of turn 36:
@No Life: I'm truly sorry you feel this way. I can only say I did not cheat (but who expects to find truth on the internet?). Please reconsider, as Hiliadan said.
If you want (and we have time) we can do a full rematch. I care much less for winning than for having fun :-)
Anyway, this was the overall end score:
One last thing: I will ofcourse, avoid keeping a session inactive, to avoid such a crash in the future. I had to leave in a hurry, so could not finish my turn in one go as IÂ always do.
Oh I can post scome screens I took last turn of events and the position of my 2 main stacks in the previous turn.
It just shows how unlikely it was for me to cheat in this turn, given the circumstances and position of my units.
I understand you don't like the fact that there was a crash and we can request screenshots from Pothead to see the situation in game if you want, but it appears he was winning, there was no reason he would cheat and there is reasonable chance that he is not cheating.
I hope you reconsider, maybe think about it a few days.
(if such crashes happen again and abnormally in the future, the match may be lostfor Pothead Pixie)
But I think the game's current status and a review of my past turn(s) / events would show this is NOT one of these moments.
There was no risky battle or scouting involved - or even possible.
So if this were the case, one should notice I chose a very weird time for such a restart.
We expect sportmanship from our players. Of course, if we have cheaters among us, they have possibilities to cheat and there is not much we can do about it. But if they cheat too much, it will become evident and they will be banned.
As I said to both of you by chat message, we are waiting judges' decision. I already gave my opinion to Mark and Fistandantilus.
Added yellow outline for more clarity. Shrunk picture with 50%. I took only this screen right after the crash.
There was really nothing crucial or risky going on in the last turn.
I think the current army positions & last turn's events (combat results) will show that.
I contact Pothead + the 2 other judges.
Please remove turn timer and wait for judges' feedback.
The game just crashed :-(
I was inactive for 2 hours or so, and left the session open and the game on the map view.
When zooming in on the map the game froze & then crashed.
So I will have to restart.
The moves I did should have been saved (I already was at the end of my turn).
Class and race set
This game hosted.
NOTE: I have NOT set "Force High Tactical Speed Combat", hope this is OK.
Let me know if these settings are OK.
but I keep getting the message:
"Too less chars in input, please input more signs."
and after that input all is lost :-(
I tought I needed to put in some TEXT but it does not work either.
Session info
Password: 666
Round 2 : Tourneygame #6
In order to avoid advantaging one player or the other, for each match, the player who will host the match has been randomly selected. The first player in the "turn order" above (who is also the player at the top in the tree here: index.php?page=tourneyroster&tourneyid=2 must host the game.
Please sign off when not playing!(Quit game)
Tournament Game #6 Round 2 !
When players do not show up for their match, the Tournament Judges have the right to change the match!