Last seen:
5 months ago
Player's team:
Did not join any team
Excellent player 50%
Fair player 50%
Regular player 0%
Dont play this player 0%
Bad player 0%
Total participants: 4
Excellent Player! 0%
Strong Player! 75%
Good Player! 25%
Average Player! 0%
Weak Player / Newbee! 0%
Total participants: 4
First match: 2015-12-12
Last match: 2016-11-18
Statistics for league Age of Wonders 3:
League active since (- until): 2015-12-12 - 2016-11-18
Matches: 12
Wins: 3 Losses: 4 Draws (no winner): 5
First match: 2015-12-12
Last match: 2016-11-18
Opponents defeated: 15
Losses against opponents: 13
Player won against Eskild (Theocrat Humans ) | 2
Player lost against Eskild (Archdruid Elves ) | 2
Player lost against Eskild (Theocrat Dwarves ) | 2
Player won against xlnt (Theocrat Draconians ) | 2
Player lost against xlnt (Warlord Draconians ) | 5
Player lost against Jonny Thunder (Rogue Halflings ) | 2
Player lost against ehall20 (Warlord Dwarves ) | 4
Player lost against Eskild (Archdruid Tigrans ) | 4
Player lost against mauvebutterfly (Dreadnought Humans ) | 5
Player lost against mauvebutterfly (Theocrat Orcs ) | 5
Player won against gladis EarL1893 rrrrookie spockimpossible (Sorcerer Draconians ) | 8
Match overview of player Kwibus
No achievements yet