Game #231 Tournament game#18 | Round 2 : Tourneygame #18
Match Details
Played: | 2016-04-17 |
Savegame | |
Rating | 2 - Nice Game |
Amount of Humans: | 2 |
Kind of Report: | LMP Duel Tournament 2016 |
Kind of game: | Live-Multiplayer |
Game-value: | 38 |
Result | Player | Classes | Races | Team | Points | Extra Points | Missed Points | Quitter | Rate |
1 | $eeR | unknown | unknown | 1 | 20 | 10 | 0 | here | |
2 | Stoneskin | unknown | unknown | 2 | 0 | 0 | -29 | here |
Posts to the game:
Default Win- StoneSkin not appeared.
Confirmed by $eeR
231 | Age of Wonders 3
231 | Age of Wonders 3