Welcome to the civ6liga  FFA Ranking! All Results achieved in League are counted in this Ranking!

# Nickname Points Games WinRatio Result Players defeated Defeated by Players
35 Thorgal7881100 %(3 | 3)W30
82 MARKYMARK730618 %(4 | 22)LL554418
84 Hegona726518 %(4 | 22)3LLL5418
85 Choppix726233 %(4 | 12)5548
67 plusquamperfekt786621 %(4 | 19)LLL37415
58 FlashOnFire816180 %(4 | 5)241
60 Sheldor810180 %(4 | 5)241
63 PartoftheShow793180 %(4 | 5)241
43 Mister t.8551100 %(4 | 4)W40
64 Braaktar790426 %(5 | 19)4LL2514
45 Unabsteigbar8371100 %(5 | 5)W50
46 Spy828301100 %(5 | 5)W50
81 silentBob736145 %(5 | 11)756
72 Alteran775250 %(5 | 10)2555
49 freyr8721100 %(5 | 5)W50
83 speckbretzel729335 %(6 | 17)464611
76 Xaos750428 %(6 | 21)265L615
77Thrill743437 %(6 | 16)3245610
78 Kurkarte739422 %(6 | 27)L9L3621
55 Simflaive822628 %(6 | 21)255L5615

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